Workshop Program | Program Committee | Social Event & Conference Dinner | List of accepted papers
List of accepted papers
Click on the titles for the full paper (in pdf).
- Ozge Alacam, Christopher Habel and Cengiz Acarturk - Investigation of Haptic Line-Graph Comprehension Through Co-Production of Gesture and Language
- Simon Alexanderson, David House and Jonas Beskow - Extracting and analyzing head movements accompanying spontaneous dialogue
- Paraskevi Argyriou and Sotaro Kita - Left-Hand Gestures Advantage on Metaphor Explanation: Evidence for Gestures’ Self-Oriented Functions
- Brahim Azaoui - One Teacher, Two Instructional Contexts; A Contrastive and Empirical Analysis of a Teacher’s Gestures
- Kirsten Bergmann, Florian Hahn, Stefan Kopp, Hannes Rieser and Insa Röpke - Integrating Gesture Meaning and Verbal Meaning for
German Verbs of Motion: Theory and Simulation
- Arkadiusz Bialek, Marta Białecka-Pikul and Malgorzata Stepien-Nycz - Responding to Joint Attention Predicts Joint Action
- Lucas Bietti, Kasper Kok and Alan Cienki - Temporal Aspects of Behavioral Alignment in Collaborative Remembering
- Yosra Bouzid and Mohamed Jemni - Gesture synthesis from SignWriting notation
- Heather Brookes, Jean-Marc Colletta and Alice Ovendale - Polysigns and information density in teachers' gestures
- Federica Cavicchio and Sotaro Kita - Bilinguals Switch Gesture Production Parameters when they Switch Languages
- Peer Christensen and Kristian Tylén - Gestural representation of event structure in dyadic interaction
- Sara Conversano, Elena Berno, Valentina Vitali, Alessandro Nonis, Clelia Di Serio and Marco Rigamonti - The Role of Inter-Cultural Competence on Gestural Recognition
- Onno Crasborn, Micha Hulsbosch, Lari Lampen and Han Sloetjes - New multilayer concordance functions in ELAN and TROVA
- Daniela Dvoretska, Jaap Denissen and Hedda Lausberg - Kinesic Turn Taking and Mutual Understanding in interactive dyads
- Chloe Gonseth, Anne Vilain and Coriandre Vilain - Gesture/speech interaction in the perception of lexical units
- Maria Graziano and Marianne Gullberg - Gesture production and speech fluency in competent speakers and language learners
- Yan Gu, Lisette Mol, Marieke Hoetjes and Marc Swerts - What can Chinese speakers' temporal gestures reveal about their thinking about time?
- Jaakko Hakulinen, Tomi Heimonen, Markku Turunen, Tuuli Keskinen and Toni Miettinen - Gesture and Speech-based Public Display for Cultural Event Exploration
- Simon Harrison - The placement of negation gestures in relation to speech
- Yifei He, Helge Gebhardt, Isabelle Rondinone and Benjamin Straube - The Missing Power: Language Mediates Sensorimotor-related Beta Oscillations during On-line Comprehension of Different Types of Co-speech Gesture
- Ingo Helmich and Hedda Lausberg - Hand movements that accompany verbal descriptions differ from those during gestural demonstrations
- Katharina Hogrefe, Wolfram Ziegler, Nicole Weidinger and Georg Goldenberg - Gestural expression in narrations of aphasic speakers: redundant or complementary to the spoken expression?
- Kathrin Janowski, Felix Kistler and Elisabeth André - Gestures or Speech? Comparing Modality Selection for different Interaction Tasks in a Virtual Environment
- Ansgar Koene, Juliane Honish, Satoshi Endo and Alan Wing - Relative information content of gestural features of non-verbal communication related to object-transfer interactions
- Anne Köpsel and Anke Huckauf - Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Freehand Gestures in Device Control
- Spyros Kousidis, Zofia Malisz, Petra Wagner and David Schlangen - Exploring Annotation of Head Gesture Forms in Spontaneous Human Interaction
- Mary Lavelle, Chris Howes, Patrick G.T Healey and Rosemarie McCabe - Speech and hand movement coordination in schizophrenia
- Magdalena Lis - Gestural representation in the domain of animates' physical appearance
- Renia Lopez-Ozieblo - Gestures in Turn Taking in Early Stages of Foreign Language Fluency: Does the Growth Point Explain the Patterns?
- Ingrid Masson-Carro, Martijn Goudbeek and Emiel Krahmer - The influence of cognitive load on repeated references in speech and gesture
- Ruud Mattheij and Eric Postma - Feature-based hand detection in visual images
- Lisette Mol, Yan Gu and Marie Postma-Nilsenová - Structural Adaptation in Gesture and Speech
- Eva Murillo and Almudena Capilla - The coordination of vocalizations and communicative gestures in the transition to first words
- Arne Nagels, Tilo Kircher, Miriam Steines and Benjamin Straube - The influence of body posture and gesture on the evaluation of verbal utterances addressment and comprehensibility
- Karin van Nispen, Mieke van de Sandt-Koenderman, Lisette Mol and Emiel Krahmer - Differences in the communicative use of gesticulation and pantomime in a case of aphasia
- Victoria Nyst - Documenting West African gesture repertoires
- Gerardo Ortega and Asli Özyürek - Gesture-sign interface in hearing non-signers' first exposure to sign
- Jaana Parviainen, Kai Tuuri, Antti Pirhonen, Markku Turunen and Tuuli Keskinen - Gestures within Human-Technology Choreographies for Interaction Design
- Marie Postma Nilsenova, Eric Postma, Martijn Balsters, Emiel Krahmer, Juliette Schaafsma, Lisette Mol, Ad Vingerhoets & Marc Swerts - Automatic Detection of Hand/Upper Body Movement and Facial Expressions as Cues to Feelings of Exclusion
- Matthias A. Priesters and Irene Mittelberg - Individual differences in speakers' gesture spaces: Multi-angle views from a motion-capture study
- Katharina J. Rohlfing, Angela Grimminger and Kerstin Nachtigäller - Which Semantic Synchrony?
- Steven Schoonjans - The Distribution of Downtoning Gestures
- Kazuki Sekine and Sotaro Kita - Use of spatial information from cohesive gesture to comprehend subsequent sentences
- Harald Skomroch, Kerstin Petermann, Ingo Helmich, Daniela Dvoretska, Robert Rein, Zi-Hyun Kim, Uta Sassenberg and Hedda Lausberg - Gender Differences in Hand Movement Behavior
- Benjamin Straube, Miriam Steines, Tilo Kircher and Arne Nagels - The effect of emblematic and tool-use gestures on abstractness evaluations of verbal utterances
- Marion Tellier, Gale Stam and Brigitte Bigi - Gesturing While Pausing In Conversation: Self-oriented Or Partner-oriented?
- Kai Tuuri and Antti Pirhonen - Gestural expressions in use for unveiling dynamic experience attributed to verbs
- Barbara Tversky, Azedeh Jamalian, Valeria Giardino, Seokmin Kang and Angela Kessell - Gestures as Diagrams: Towards a Semantics for Gesture
- Tim Vanbellingen, Rahel Schumacher, Noëmi Eggenberger, Simone Hopfner, Dario Cazzoli, Basil Preisig, Manuel Bertschi, Thomas Nyffeler, Klemens Gutbrod, Claudio Bassetti, Stephan Bohlhalter and René Müri - Disturbed visual exploration of communicative gestures in aphasic patients: Evidence from eye movement analysis
- Coriandre Vilain, Anne Vilain and Jeanne Clarke - « The pig with the pink hat »: An experimental study on speech/gesture coordination during development
- Paul Vogt, Ingrid Masson-Carro and J. Douglas Mastin - Predicting vocabulary development from co-speech gestures: Duration or occurrences, that's the question